Monday, May 28, 2012

A New Beginning

Hey y'all!

It's been over a week since I left Atlanta for Houston. When people actually say time flies, it actually does. I've no idea where that time went or how it passed by. The move hasn't been an easy one to live with. Like I said it's only been a mere week and it already feels like I've been living here for a while.

I've been doing nothing but work for the past week. I sleep late, wake up early and work. Those are my new friends in town since I don't have time to go out and mingle with real people. Work is so relaxing that I don't even break a sweat. I just sit and sit and sit even more until people approach me. Me graduated with multiple degrees came here to sit and wait. Since I'm here I've missed out on a lot back in Atlanta. My friends have been having a blast in the summer. Mom's been chilling at home and relaxing. Here I've been working like a dog everyday. I guess that's what it feels like in real world. You work, work and work until you die a, hopefully, peaceful death.

On the flip side I've been writing a lot these past days. Like I told someone, besides talking to them writing has become some sort of an escape for me. Not that I am bragging but according to some people's word, my poems are actually very good. I'm going to try writing more of them if I find enough inspiration.

I still have plenty to write but I think I'll stop before I get too personal.

Until next time,
Peace and love.

P.S. for those of you who have been calling and texting me from home, I sincerely thank you.

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