Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Jaded Regimen

Hey guys!

It's been a minute since I've written anything. I hope all you guys enjoying your hot summer as much as I am or maybe even more, in that case I'm super jealous!

I've couple of things to talk about. I'll start off with my time in Houston so far. Well for the past month and so I've been working like a dog day in and out. I work 6 days a week about 10+ hours each day. The only day I've to myself is Sunday but considering the chores and errands I've to run, it's not really an off day to begin with. Work itself is super boring. I sit all day wait for people to approach me with their requests. So technically my mall job was the same as what I'm doing right now. But, hey at least I'm working for family which has its benefits: no rent, no gas and no other expenses whatsoever. Everything is paid for here but then again my heart is still set to Atlanta. Other than the boring work routine, I usually don't do anything else. Other than this one Sunday my cousin and I went to watch Madagascar 3 which was hilarious. Whoever made the cellular phone is a genius. I applaud them for what they've given to this world. That's how I have been spending my time: if I'm not talking to someone I'm either on the internet or texting someone. The only bright spot I saw in the month and so was when my mom came to visit me. She's still here as I write this. After she leaves, I'll go back to the same tired drill. On the flip side, I am returning to Atlanta soon. My graduation is on July 31st so I'll go to Atlanta before that and IF hopefully I find a full time job there, I'll end up staying there as well.

On to the next topic then. For me family is one of the most important aspects of my life, if not the most important. Trust follows very closely with it. It's really hard to gain someone's trust in my opinion. I've seen people just trust others blindly without any care in the world about how the other person might react to a secret. Seriously, how can you trust someone so blindly that in a couple of months you tell them everything? Ok well I agree there are some instances where I stand corrected (if you're reading this then this is for you). Still, confidence in someone comes after some while. For me believing in people at a deep level is very difficult. The events of my past keep me from trusting someone so much so quickly but then again there are some occurrences where everything just clicks for good reason. I would talk about my past but then again I don't feel like writing a book on it. After all, this is only a blog/journal entry. All I am saying is whoever your confidant may be, make sure you have full faith in them. It takes months or maybe years to earn trust but seconds to ruin it completely.

That's all I have for today. Hopefully I'll write again very soon.

Till then,
stay safe and cool!

P.S. Congratulations to Aamir Chagani (my cousin) who's getting married in 2 days!!!!! I'm very happy for him :)

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