Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Return from Hiatus

I'm finally writing again after almost 3 weeks. It feels like I'm getting my anti drug back. I've a few things I want to discuss today: hypocrisy, cold shoulder and religious studies.

I hate hypocrisy, hypocrites and all the other synonyms you can think of. At times I am one too but I'm man enough to admit it. Some people are so deep into their little world that they believe whatever they think is true. I swear they are the worst of them. They'll say one thing and do the totally opposite. Let me give you an example: there was a game between two parties recently. For secrecy sake lets name the parties A and B. I was going for B and my friend was going for A. We are hardcore fans of our respective team and we love the sport to death. The guy always brags about how we loves the sports and how he's such a sportsman. In the end B won the game hence winning the tournament. This guy ranted about how my team was subpar compared to his. He even had a problem letting the opposing supporters gloat after the victory. Seriously, how can you be a "sportsman" and act like someone who got their menstrual cycle going on. You really define hypocrisy!

Cold shoulder - I love my friends. All of them. I don't care if we haven't talked in ages but if we meet I'm going to talk to you like we never missed anything. I've been like this all my life and some of you know this. But one thing I hate is when you stop talking to me for the most absurd thing ever. Especially if you call us "close friends". If we are so close then you shouldn't have an ego with me. For another secrecy sake lets call this person Jamie (I'm not telling the gender either). So they are mad because when I saw them I failed to hug them. I later apologized for this twice. This incident happened a week before my birthday so it's been about a month (till the time of writing). They still haven't called or texted me back even though I apologized twice already. Now, tell me if I'm wrong on this one. I admitted my mistake and I repented it over and over again. Jamie on the other hand is so damn stubborn over a damn hug that they let their ego come in the way of our "close" friendship. If you think I'm wrong in this tell me so I can make it better. Or you think they're being egotistical?

Religion - I'm not a very religious man. I do what's required of me. Nothing extra nothing less. But I do love learning about different religions and their histories Recently Ms. E and I started talking about Christianity: how it came about, Jesus and what happened in latter years. Ms. E and I always have the most intense conversations but this was different as we were joined by a third party, Mr. T. They both informed me about the fundamentals of the religion along with why certain things happened. What I got from their interpretation was that they've blind faith. I know religions not always have reasons but this time I wanted to be logical. I'm still a little confused about Christianity but my mind is clearer than before.

I think people should grow up after a certain age rather than being a kid forever. Unless they want to live in their "perfect little world".

I'm sorry if this was a little long for you. I'll try shortening it when I write again.

Till next time,

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