Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Super Week

I've lots to talk about today.

First off did anyone watch the super bowl? I'm sure most of us sat in front of the tv biting nails at the end of the game. I went to Applebee's by my place with two of my friends. I supported the Giants while the other two went with the Patriots. Almost the whole place was going for the latter. And as with every game I was given a very hard time during the game. The place erupted a few times during the game: when Brady had an interception, then when Manningham caught a deep pass at the sideline. Finally when Brady's hail mary went awry. The gloating began after that as I made sure all my opponents would stay dumbfounded. I even called up my best friend and did the same even though she was sick (I'm still sorry). Nonetheless it was a very entertaining night. In the end it is Brady 0 Manning 2.

On a much funnier note, today is my friend's/brother's birthday (happy birthday dude). So as we do for everyone in our group, we (my friends and I) went to his house at midnight and surprised him. And as with everyone's birthday we made sure he was caked severely. We had a chocolate cake, a ketchup bottle, couple of eggs and shaving cream. Think of the ways we messed him up. Next up on our list is me and man I am scared.

Lastly, I finally did three things I had been wanting to do for a while. First off, I finally saw Payal Patel (my good friend) after a whole month. We saw each other for a mere 10 seconds before she left. So if I do this right I will have seen her for less than a minute by the time I graduate. Isn't it awesome? *sarcasm*. Secondly, I finally hung out with my best friend. She was so sick so we couldn't do anything for two weeks. But today I finally went to lunch with her. Which turned out to be great since we got to talk about so much stuff and the burger was great too. Finally, I started working out again. I've been working out for an hour each day which has been helping me release stress and steam. Before I couldn't run much because of some issue I had but since I've started again I feel much more relaxed.

This has been an interesting week for me. Hopefully yours have been nothing short.

Till next time,

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