Thursday, February 2, 2012

Show Me the Money

Hey guys!

So I just read that Facebook, #1 social networking website in the world, just filed for their IPO (Initial Public Offering) for roughly $75 billion to $100 billion. This is the largest IPO filing since Google did it way back in 2004 for $1.7 billion. If you don't know what IPO is, that's when a company goes from being privately owned to publicly traded; meaning you anyone own Facebook with a single share. That's a HUGE amount for anybody in the world let alone an already rich company. Mark Zuckerberg, is already rich enough, owning about 29% of Facebook's stocks. Now after the company goes public this May, he will become even more richer.

Look, I love Facebook as much as the next guy but the only concern I have now is what will they do when it comes to "privacy". The reason I put it around the quotation marks is because that term is very relative. It changes meanings from person to person. Facebook already has been under fire lately due to their "privacy" policies. Before their filing, CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg used to make all the major decisions. Now, since it will be publicly traded, it'll be harder to put consumers first since the Board of Directors' main concern would be to be profitable. Next thing you know, on every click on the site, we'll see an ad.

Whoever uses Facebook, presumably it's mostly all of us, make sure you be aware of the new changes that will come about.

P.S. It's couple of my friends' big day today.... Happy Birthday! (sorry still can't name people)

Till next time,
Be safe and merry.

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