Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Me, myself and him

The art of procrastination can take seconds to master if you really put your mind to it. I can say that I truly am the master of it now I think of it. If something is due at any date, I will make sure I do it the day before. I will get it done on time but waiting till the last minute does have its drawbacks. The reason I say that is because of the fact that how my laziness got me writing this post today when it was due last Sunday.

The past week so much stuff happened. But as I lay my fingers on the keyboard I am lost with words. Should I talk about my cousin's amazing wedding at the aquarium? Or the fact that I started talking to one of my good friends again? Or that my best friend (female) had an epiphany which literally blew my mind and motivated me to work even harder?

But I think I'll talk a little about my dad to whom I spoke to last weekend after a two weeks hiatus. My parents' anniversary is around the corner and I had sent him a greeting card via someone (he's back home). He finally got the card and as he told me how much he loved it I was left emotional and speechless. Just because not everyday I get to make my father smile (laughing and smiling are different). He was so proud of the fact that I had remembered it and I had bothered to sent him something even if it was only a small greeting card.

No matter how horrific my week goes, there are only two people that can make me smile (I count parents as one): my best friend and my parents. Every time it's her who makes me feel normal but this time it was the latter's turn.

Hope to see you soon.
Love you dad.

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