Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Golden Battle

So today I'm gonna talk about couple of big companies based in California and one that's still up and coming. I'm sure you guys guessed it by now but if you haven't, then they're Apple, Google and Facebook.

We all know Apple's history: after hiring Jobs as CEO in the late 90s, the company had a major turnaround. Today, they're the worlds most valuable company. Google on the other hand doesn't have much of a Cinderella story like Apple's. They were founded in a garage in the late 90's and since then they've had a steady increase. Now not only they are the biggest search engine, they also own one of the most popular platform for cellphones and tablets.

So we all use at least one of those companies on the regular basis. I own an iPhone, Mac and have owned Android devices in the past. I forbid to use anything but Google for anything online: from search engine to navigation to calling someone from my Google voice. I also Facebook regularly as well. I know some of my friends are entirely Apple lovers and some are Google lovers. And others are Facebook addicts. So my understanding is that since all three companies are such vital parts of our regular lives it'll be very hard to imagine living without them.

Recently, Apple's stock went beyond the 500 mark for the first time and Google's passed 600 mark after a long time. Now, Facebook also filed an IPO (Initial Public Offering) which will open in May. That got me thinking, since the former two are power houses, does Facebook stand any chance against them? Can it actually surpass them and be even more successful?

I think Apple can surpass Google's share price easily making them even more valuable than they're now. Facebook can actually make a stand against both of them. Very soon we will be talking about how Facebook became the most valuable company in the U.S. surpassing Apple. I say that because not only they're the world's biggest social networking site, they are also entering cell phone market. I've heard a lot of rumors about how they're coming out with a phone. I haven't seen anything yet but I guess time will tell.

Like mentioned earlier, I am pro Google. But some people might differ from me. So what are you? Do you guys prefer all Google or all Apple? And why? According to you which company is better? Apple or Google?

That was an interesting topic and hopefully next week's will be as well.

Till then,


  1. Do you really wana know my opinion? Lol

  2. Interesting blog but the answer to your question in my OPINION, is The companies you are comparing are hands down three companies that influence every person's life everyday in one way or the other. They are all awesome and great at what they do, yet the issue there is they are not comparable to each other in any which way because they are completely three different industries, comparing 3 completely different markets and 3 completely different success stories is not likely. Apple does have aCinderella story for sure but within social networking I'd say facebook has a cinderella story as well, what other company has an explicit movie made on it,? Google is a different market and it has a story of it's own, may not be as popular but for a search engine to do that much business and turn around and have a turn over to the point it has today is no less than a cinderella story...again this is just my opinion and no one has to agree with my outlook but just something to think about.
