Thursday, October 22, 2015

Humility vs. Selfishness

Before reading, I only want to inform you, this is just my opinion.

Humility means to have a low or modest perspective of one. Regardless of what you possess, in my opinion, you should never degrade anyone else by showboating yourself. I've seen both sides of the coin: people who seem to be doing well for themselves are the most arrogant individuals I've ever come in contact with. And the ones that are still struggling are usually the modest ones.

I've come across various videos on Facebook where a well-off guy pretends to be homeless to experiment if strangers will help him with food/change. Obviously nobody comes to his aid. Suddenly, he comes across a homeless man who is willing to share whatever he has to offer. I personally believe that's one of the most beautiful stories ever. That video should inspire everyone to do more for people in need. Everyone should always look down when evaluating his or her life. Comparing yourself to someone who's better off than you, mostly, will only yield in self-despair. 

Everyone is selfish at times, I believe. Everyone at least once in their lifetime thinks about their own. That doesn't make them awful people per se. That just means they're looking after their own well being. The issue comes in when "selfishness" becomes a norm for such people. Whatever they do in life is only for them and nothing but that. Those people have no concept of guilt in their system. And those are the same beings that are willing to walk over anyone to achieve their ultimate goal. Whether that means, in the process, to even abuse someone very beloved to them.

This is where humility and selfishness intertwine. I don't see anyone who's modest to their roots be egocentric at the same time and vice versa. How can someone who puts their own needs first not be arrogant? There may be exceptions to it but majority of the people I've come across are exactly what I just described. I strongly believe in order to make this world more prosperous for everyone, we should begin helping others even more. Even if someone is already doing that, there's always room for improvement. 


  1. I agree with your opinion. I feel if we help each other instead of downgrading each other the world would be a better place. Why be arrogant and hostile because u have more than someone, that don't make you look good, one day you will be in they shoes and they will be in yours and I'm sure you would want them to help you and treat you right. Think about it people.

  2. Humility and selfishness definitely don't exist in the same breath.
